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Immersive Reporting

2017 Pride Parade in Washington, D.C.

360/VR: 2017 Pride Parade in Washington, D.C._Final
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Story by Alex Li   First published on Jun 10, 2017

Over 500,000 people participated in the 2017 Pride Parade on Saturday, June 10th in Washington, D.C. The Parade is a landmark event and one of DC’s favorite parades. The Pride Parade is an annual event which has a history of more than 40 years. The Parade is not only an event for raising LGBT status but also a movement to promote a world free of prejudice and bias.

Virtual Reality Experience

Virtual Tour on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

The National Mall is home to iconic memorials and monuments including the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the World War II Memorials and more. Alex, a virtual guide, will lead you to visit "8 Must See" sites on the National Mall and understand the history and background of each scene without actually moving your feet.

Virtual tour by Alex Li   

Front Page Featured Stories 

Destination Moberly: A small town hopes to reinvent itself as a tourist spot

City and chamber officials plan to hire a tourism specialist to promote Moberly's amenities.

Published on Nov. 17, 2017

Text by Kyle LaHucik, 360 story by Alex Li and Gabe Dubois

Diane Richardson of Main Street Moberly recognizes that to many outsiders, Moberly is just another small town they pass while traveling north or south on U.S. 63. But for a resident of the "Magic City," Moberly is the place to shop, to seek adventure and to settle down with a family...

4K 360: Cherry Hill celebrates eighth annual Magic Tree Lighting

Published on Dec. 5, 2017 by Vox Magazine

Video by Alex Li

Have you checked out The Magic Tree yet this year? On the evening of Nov. 30, hundreds of kids and adults gathered at Cherry Hill neighborhood waiting for the 2017 Magic Tree Lighting. This year marks the eighth annual lighting of Magic Tree held by the Village of Cherry Hill Business Association. Each year, there is a new scheme of colors with over 46,000 lights.

360: Protest outside of Sen. Roy Blunt's Columbia office

360 Experience: Protest outside of Senator Roy Blunt's Columbia office
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Published on Feb. 10, 2017

Video by Alex Li, Sarah Dumas and Daniel Shapiro

Teachers protest Sen. Roy Blunt's endorsement of Betsy DeVos for U.S. Secretary of Education outside of Blunt's Columbia office on Monday. Experience the protest in 360 VR.

© 2019 by Zijian (Alex) Li

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